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Probing the site-dependent kondo response of nanostructured graphene with organic molecules

Garnica, M., Stradi, D., Calleja, F., Barja, S., Díaz, C., Alcamí, M., Arnau, A., Vázquez De Parga, A.L., Martín, F., Miranda, R.
Nano Letters , 2014 , 14 , 4560 4567 ,DOI: 10.1021/nl501584v

Growth, reaction and nanowire formation of Fe on the ZnS(1 0 0) surface

Man, K.L., Pavlovska, A., Bauer, E., Locatelli, A., Menteş, T.O., Niño, M.A., Wong, G.K.L., Sou, I.K., Altman, M.S.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter , 2014 , 26 ,DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/26/27/315006

Single-layer MoS2 roughness and sliding friction quenching by interaction with atomically flat substrates

Quereda, J., Castellanos-Gomez, A., Agraït, N., Rubio-Bollinger, G.
Applied Physics Letters , 2014 , 105 ,DOI: 10.1063/1.4892650

Organic dyes containing 2-(1,1-dicyanomethylene)rhodanine as an efficient electron acceptor and anchoring unit for dye-sensitized solar cells

Echeverry, C.A., Insuasty, A., Herranz, M.Á., Ortíz, A., Cotta, R., Dhas, V., Echegoyen, L., Insuasty, B., Martín, N.
Dyes and Pigments , 2014 , 107 , 9 14 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2014.03.010

Molecular engineering of phthalocyanine sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells

Ince, M., Yum, J.-H., Kim, Y., Mathew, S., Grätzel, M., Torres, T., Nazeeruddin, M.K.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2014 , 118 , 17166 17170 ,DOI: 10.1021/jp502447y

Reconstitution of respiratory complex I on a biomimetic membrane supported on gold electrodes

Gutiérrez-Sanz, O., Olea, D., Pita, M., Batista, A.P., Alonso, A., Pereira, M.M., Vélez, M., De Lacey, A.L.
Langmuir , 2014 , 30 , 9007 9015 ,DOI: 10.1021/la501825r

Multifunctionalization of magnetic nanoparticles for controlled drug release: A general approach

Latorre, A., Couleaud, P., Aires, A., Cortajarena, A.L., Somoza, Á.
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 2014 , 82 , 355 362 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2014.05.078

Fabrication of low-cost paper-based microfluidic devices by embossing or cut-and-stack methods

Thuo, M.M., Martinez, R.V., Lan, W.-J., Liu, X., Barber, J., Atkinson, M.B.J., Bandarage, D., Bloch, J.-F., Whitesides, G.M.
Chemistry of Materials , 2014 , 26 , 4230 4237 ,DOI: 10.1021/cm501596s

Attosecond twophoton atomic transitions containing autoionizing states

JiménezGalán, A., Argenti, L., Martín, F.
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers , 2014 , 1

Molecular resolution friction microscopy of Cu phthalocyanine thin films on dolomite (104) in water

Nita, P., Pimentel, C., Luo, F., Milián-Medina, B., Gierschner, J., Pina, C.M., Gnecco, E.
Nanoscale , 2014 , 6 , 8334 8339 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4nr01522c

Tracing molecular dynamics at the 1-femtosecond scale through XUV pumpprobe spectroscopy

Carpeggiani, P.A., Palacios, A., Martín, F., Charalambidis, D., Tzallas, P.
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers , 2014 , 1

Discovery of selective ligands for telomeric RNA G-quadruplexes (TERRA) through 19F-NMR based fragment screening

Garavís, M., López-Méndez, B., Somoza, A., Oyarzabal, J., Dalvit, C., Villasante, A., Campos-Olivas, R., González, C.
ACS Chemical Biology , 2014 , 9 , 1559 1566 ,DOI: 10.1021/cb500100z

Hybrid Gaussian-B-spline basis for the electronic continuum: Photoionization of atomic hydrogen

Marante, C., Argenti, L., Martín, F.
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics , 2014 , 90 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.012506

DNA and aptamer stabilized gold nanoparticles for targeted delivery of anticancer therapeutics

Latorre, A., Posch, C., Garcimartín, Y., Celli, A., Sanlorenzo, M., Vujic, I., Ma, J., Zekhtser, M., Rappersberger, K., Ortiz-Urda, S., Somoza, Á.
Nanoscale , 2014 , 6 , 7436 7442 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4nr00019f

Surface-assisted dehydrogenative homocoupling of porphine molecules

Wiengarten, A., Seufert, K., Auwärter, W., Ecija, D., Diller, K., Allegretti, F., Bischoff, F., Fischer, S., Duncan, D.A., Papageorgiou, A.C., Klappenberger, F., Acres, R.G., Ngo, T.H., Barth, J.V.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2014 , 136 , 9346 9354 ,DOI: 10.1021/ja501680n

Electron streaking and dissociation in laser-assisted photoionization of molecular hydrogen

Palacios, A., González-Castrillo, A., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , 2014 , 47 ,DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/47/12/124013

Special issue on ultrafast electron and molecular dynamics

Martin, F., Hishikawa, A., Vrakking, M.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , 2014 , 47 ,DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/47/12/120201

Vibrationally resolved C 1s photoionization cross section of CF4

Patanen, M., Kooser, K., Argenti, L., Ayuso, D., Kimura, M., Mondal, S., Plésiat, E., Palacios, A., Sakai, K., Travnikova, O., Decleva, P., Kukk, E., Miron, C., Ueda, K., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , 2014 , 47 ,DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/47/12/124032

Toward the design of smart delivery systems controlled by integrated enzyme-based biocomputing ensembles

Díez, P., Sánchez, A., Gamella, M., Martínez-Ruíz, P., Aznar, E., De La Torre, C., Murguía, J.R., Martínez-Máñez, R., Villalonga, R., Pingarrón, J.M.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2014 , 136 , 9116 9123 ,DOI: 10.1021/ja503578b

Cl-capped CdSe nanocrystals via in situ generation of chloride anions

Palencia, C., Lauwaet, K., De La Cueva, L., Acebrón, M., Conde, J.J., Meyns, M., Klinke, C., Gallego, J.M., Otero, R., Juárez, B.H.
Nanoscale , 2014 , 6 , 6812 6818 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4nr00431k