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Theoretical Modeling of Mass Spectrometry

Aguirre, N.F., Díaz-Tendero, S., Hervieux, P.-A., Alcamí, M., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/7/072060

Slow ion interaction with N-methylglycine and N-acetylglycine

Kocisek, J., Tendero, S.D., Piekarskh, D.G., Delaunay, R., Huber, B.A., Adoui, L., Alcami, M., Martín, F., Rousseau, P., Domaracka, A., Kopyra, J.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/3/032054

TiS3 Transistors with Tailored Morphology and Electrical Properties

Island, J.O., Barawi, M., Biele, R., Almazán, A., Clamagirand, J.M., Ares, J.R., Sánchez, C., van der Zant, H.S.J., Álvarez, J.V., D'Agosta, R., Ferrer, I.J., Castellanos-Gomez, A.
Advanced Materials , 2015 ,DOI: 10.1002/adma.201405632

Electronic Bandgap and Exciton Binding Energy of Layered Semiconductor TiS3

Molina-Mendoza, A.J., Barawi, M., Biele, R., Flores, E., Ares, J.R., Sánchez, C., Rubio-Bollinger, G., Agraït, N., D'Agosta, R., Ferrer, I.J., Castellanos-Gomez, A.
Advanced Electronic Materials , 2015 , 1 ,DOI: 10.1002/aelm.201500126

Extraordinary exchange-bias effects in coupled SmCo<inf>5</inf> (perpendicular)/CoFeB (in-plane) bilayers

Bollero, A., Pedrosa, F., Cuñado, J., Camarero, J., Seifert, M., Neu, V., Baltz, V., Serantes, D., Chubykalo-Fesenko, O., Del Real, R., Vázquez, M., Schultz, L., Dieny, B., Miranda, R.
2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2015 , 2015 ,DOI: 10.1109/INTMAG.2015.7156874

Challenges in aromaticity: 150 years after Kekulé's benzene

Martín, N., Scott, L.T.
Chemical Society Reviews , 2015 , 44 , 6397 6400 ,DOI: 10.1039/c5cs90085a

Continuum model for chiral induced spin selectivity in helical molecules

Medina, E., González-Arraga, L.A., Finkelstein-Shapiro, D., Berche, B., Mujica, V.
Journal of Chemical Physics , 2015 , 142 ,DOI: 10.1063/1.4921310

Mapping ultrafast dynamics of highly excited D2+ by ultrashort XUV pump-IR probe radiation

Bello, R., Martin, L.S., Hogle, C.W., Palacios, A., Sanz-Vicario, J.L., Tong, X.M., Martín, F., Murnane, M., Kapteyn, H.C., Ranitovic, P.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/11/112080

Cholesteryl oleate-appended phthalocyanines as potential photosensitizers in the treatment of leishmaniasis

Contreras, L.E.S., Zirzlmeier, J., Kirner, S.V., Setaro, F., Martínez, F., Lozada, S., Escobar, P., Hahn, U., Guldi, D.M., Torres, T.
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines , 2015 , 19 , 320 328 ,DOI: 10.1142/S1088424615500157

Tuning the reorganization energy of electron transfer in supramolecular ensembles - Metalloporphyrin, oligophenylenevinylenes, and fullerene - And the impact on electron transfer kinetics

Stangel, C., Schubert, C., Kuhri, S., Rotas, G., Margraf, J.T., Regulska, E., Clark, T., Torres, T., Tagmatarchis, N., Coutsolelos, A.G., Guldi, D.M.
Nanoscale , 2015 , 7 , 2597 2608 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4nr05165c

Molecular dynamics studies of impulse driven reactions in molecules and molecular clusters

Gatchell, M., Delaunay, R., Stockett, M.H., Rousseau, P., Domaracka, A., Wang, Y., Chen, T., Adoui, L., Alcamí, M., Martín, F., Schmidt, H.T., Hubert, B.A., Zettergren, H., Cederquist, H.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/3/032043

Mapping the dissociative ionization dynamics of molecular nitrogen with attosecond resolution

Klinker, M., Trabattoni, A., González-Vázquez, J., Liu, C., Sansone, G., Linguerri, R., Hochlaf, M., Klei, J., Vrakking, M.J.J., Martin, F., Nisoli, M., Calegari, F.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2015 , 635 ,DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/11/112101

Controlling the spatial arrangement of organic magnetic anions adsorbed on epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001)

Stradi, D., Garnica, M., Díaz, C., Calleja, F., Barja, S., Martín, N., Alcamí, M., Vazquez De Parga, A.L., Miranda, R., Martín, F.
Nanoscale , 2014 , 6 , 15271 15279 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4nr02917h

Unprecedented chemical reactivity of a paramagnetic endohedral metallofullerene La@Cs-C82 that leads hydrogen addition in the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction

Takano, Y., Slanina, Z., Mateos, J., Tsuchiya, T., Kurihara, H., Uhlik, F., Herranz, M.A., Martín, N., Nagase, S., Akasaka, T.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2014 , 136 , 17537 17546 ,DOI: 10.1021/ja509407j

Anisotropy effects and friction maps in the framework of the 2d PT model

Fajardo, O.Y., Gnecco, E., Mazo, J.J.
Physica B: Condensed Matter , 2014 , 455 , 44 48 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2014.07.042

Large-scale nanoshaping of ultrasmooth 3D crystalline metallic structures

Gao, H., Hu, Y., Xuan, Y., Li, J., Yang, Y., Martinez, R.V., Li, C., Luo, J., Qi, M., Cheng, G.J.
Science , 2014 , 346 , 1352 1356 ,DOI: 10.1126/science.1260139

Channeling motion of gold nanospheres on a rippled glassed surface

Gnecco, E., Nita, P., Casado, S., Pimentel, C., Mougin, K., Giordano, M.C., Repetto, D., Mongeot, F.B.D.
Nanotechnology , 2014 , 25 ,DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/25/48/485302

Rhodanine-3-acetic acid and π-extended tetrathiafulvalene (exTTF) based systems for dye-sensitized solar cells

Echeverry, C.A., Herranz, M.Á., Ortiz, A., Insuasty, B., Martín, N.
New Journal of Chemistry , 2014 , 38 , 5801 5807 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4nj01261e

Random telegraph signals in molecular junctions

Brunner, J., González, M.T., Schönenberger, C., Calame, M.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter , 2014 , 26 ,DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/26/47/474202

A comprehensive study of extended tetrathiafulvalene cruciform molecules for molecular electronics: Synthesis and electrical transport measurements

Parker, C.R., Leary, E., Frisenda, R., Wei, Z., Jennum, K.S., Glibstrup, E., Abrahamsen, P.B., Santella, M., Christensen, M.A., Della Pia, E.A., Li, T., Gonzalez, M.T., Jiang, X., Morsing, T.J., Rubio-Bollinger, G., Laursen, B.W., Nørgaard, K., Van Der Zant, H., Agrait, N., Nielsen, M.B.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2014 , 136 , 16497 16507 ,DOI: 10.1021/ja509937k