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Reversible vapochromic response of polymer films doped with a highly emissive molecular rotor

Minei, P., Koenig, M., Battisti, A., Ahmad, M., Barone, V., Torres, T., Guldi, D.M., Brancato, G., Bottari, G., Pucci, A.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2014 , 2 , 9224 9232 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4tc01737d

Nanochannel-based electrochemical assay for transglutaminase activity

Fernández, I., Sánchez, A., Díez, P., Martínez-Ruiz, P., Di Pierro, P., Porta, R., Villalonga, R., Pingarrón, J.M.
Chemical Communications , 2014 , 50 , 13356 13358 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4cc05083e

Ultrasound-induced transformation of fluorescent organic nanoparticles from a molecular rotor into rhomboidal nanocrystals with enhanced emission

Koenig, M., Torres, T., Barone, V., Brancato, G., Guldi, D.M., Bottari, G.
Chemical Communications , 2014 , 50 , 12955 12958 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4cc05531d

Cyclopentadithiophene-functionalized Ru(II)-bipyridine sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells

Urbani, M., Medel, M., Kumar, S.A., Chandiran, A.K., González-Rodríguez, D., Grätzel, M., Nazeeruddin, M.K., Torres, T.
Polyhedron , 2014 , 82 , 132 138 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2014.05.045

Room temperature spin-polarizations of Mn-based antiferromagnetic nanoelectrodes

Yamada, T.K., Vazquez De Parga, A.L.
Applied Physics Letters , 2014 , 105 ,DOI: 10.1063/1.4901047

High harmonic spectroscopy of electron localization in the hydrogen molecular ion

Morales, F., Rivière, P., Richter, M., Gubaydullin, A., Ivanov, M., Smirnova, O., Martín, F.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , 2014 , 47 ,DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/47/20/204015

Circular dichroism in molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions in the dissociative photoionization of H2 and D2 molecules

Pérez-Torres, J.F., Sanz-Vicario, J.L., Veyrinas, K., Billaud, P., Picard, Y.J., Elkharrat, C., Poullain, S.M., Saquet, N., Lebech, M., Houver, J.C., Martín, F., Dowek, D.
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics , 2014 , 90 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.043417

An insight into the mechanism of the axial ligand exchange reaction in boron subphthalocyanine macrocycles

Guilleme, J., Martínez-Fernández, L., González-Rodríguez, D., Corral, I., Yáñez, M., Torres, T.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2014 , 136 , 14289 14298 ,DOI: 10.1021/ja508181b

Nanoelectrical analysis of single molecules and atomic-scale materials at the solid/liquid interface

Nirmalraj, P., Thompson, D., Molina-Ontoria, A., Sousa, M., Martín, N., Gotsmann, B., Riel, H.
Nature Materials , 2014 , 13 , 947 955 ,DOI: 10.1038/nmat4060

Modern synthetic tools toward the preparation of sophisticated phthalocyanine-based photoactive systems

Ragoussi, M.-E., Torres, T.
Chemistry - An Asian Journal , 2014 , 9 , 2676 2707 ,DOI: 10.1002/asia.201402311

β-Phenyl quenching of 9-phenylphenalenones: A novel photocyclisation reaction with biological implications

Bucher, G., Bresolí-Obach, R., Brosa, C., Flors, C., Luis, J.G., Grillo, T.A., Nonell, S.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2014 , 16 , 18813 18820 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4cp02783c

Efficient synthesis of ABAB functionalized phthalocyanines

Fazio, E., Jaramillo-García, J., De La Torre, G., Torres, T.
Organic Letters , 2014 , 16 , 4706 4709 ,DOI: 10.1021/ol502042r

Adsorption of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) on Cu(1 0 0): Can π-stacked 1-D aggregates be formed at low temperature?

Sarasola, A., Barja, S., Vázquez De Parga, A.L., Arnau, A.
Chemical Physics Letters , 2014 , 612 , 45 50 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2014.07.067

NMR spectroscopy reveals a preferred conformation with a defined hydrophobic cluster for polyglutamine binding peptide 1

Ramos-Martín, F., Hervás, R., Carrión-Vázquez, M., Laurents, D.V.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics , 2014 , 558 , 104 110 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.abb.2014.06.025

Formation of multigradient porous surfaces for selective bacterial entrapment

De León, A.S., Del Campo, A., Cortajarena, A.L., Fernández-García, M., Muñoz-Bonilla, A., Rodríguez-Hernández, J.
Biomacromolecules , 2014 , 15 , 3338 3348 ,DOI: 10.1021/bm500824d

An STM study of molecular exchange processes in organic thin film growth

Gallego, J.M., Ecija, D., Martín, N., Otero, R., Miranda, R.
Chemical Communications , 2014 , 50 , 9954 9957 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4cc03656e

Multiple electron capture, excitation, and fragmentation in C6+- C60 collisions

Da Silva, H., Oller, J., Gatchell, M., Stockett, M.H., Hervieux, P.-A., Adoui, L., Alcamí, M., Huber, B.A., Martín, F., Cederquist, H., Zettergren, H., Rousseau, P., Díaz-Tendero, S.
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics , 2014 , 90 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.032701

Water-Soluble Reduced Graphene Oxide-Carboxymethylcellulose Hybrid Nanomaterial for Electrochemical Biosensor Design

Araque, E., Villalonga, R., Gamella, M., Martínez-Ruiz, P., Sánchez, A., García-Baonza, V., Pingarrõn, J.M.
ChemPlusChem , 2014 , 79 , 1334 1341 ,DOI: 10.1002/cplu.201402017

Biomimetic oxidation of pyrene and related aromatic hydrocarbons. Unexpected electron accepting abilities of pyrenequinones

López-Moreno, A., Clemente-Tejeda, D., Calbo, J., Naeimi, A., Bermejo, F.A., Ortí, E., Pérez, E.M.
Chemical Communications , 2014 , 50 , 9372 9375 ,DOI: 10.1039/c4cc04026k

Chiral fullerenes from asymmetric catalysis

Maroto, E.E., Izquierdo, M., Reboredo, S., Marco-Martínez, J., Filippone, S., Martín, N.
Accounts of Chemical Research , 2014 , 47 , 2660 2670 ,DOI: 10.1021/ar500201b