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Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R)

Initial phase

Last spring we encouraged you to contribute in the Initial Phase of the ‘HR in research award’ with a thorough questionnaire that aimed to measure the degree of compliance of the Institute’s current HR policies with those of the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (C&C).

The results of the questionnaire provided the basis for the work of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) Working Groups, composed of Researchers (R1-R4), technical and management staff, working for two months on the diagnosis of the situation and developing the Action Plan designed to improve the alignment of the Institute’s practices with those of the C&C, the results of which were submitted to the EC for evaluation in June 2021.
At the beginning of this New Year, the EC granted IMDEA Nanociencia the HR in research award, acknowledging the efforts to improve the Institute’s HR practices.
HRS4RWhat is next?

Now the institute faces a new stage for its HR strategy, in which the Action Plan will be the roadmap for this two year period in which the process must remain participatory. After that time a new analysis must be carried out and approved by the EC in order to maintain the award. The actions to be implemented during this period revolve around ambitious objectives such as:

  • Improving internal communication
  • Designing and implementing a career path
  • Setting up a mentoring and career advice programme
  • Establishing Recruitment and Selection policies based on C&C
  • Setting out a transparent system to deal with complaints
  • Enhancing links with academic institutions.
  • Creating a system for the participation in the decision-making bodies
  • Launching a Career Development Programme
  • Fully implement IMDEA Nanociencia’s Gender Plan (2019- 2023)
  • Boosting Research Support Unit’s service
  • Launching a Training Programme for every category


 https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/hrs4r Charter & Code for Researchers | EURAXESS (europa.eu) https://www.nanociencia.imdea.org/careers/human-resources-strategy-for-researchers