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WavemiX2024 – NEXT Annual Meeting

IMDEA Nanociencia conference room
Lunes, 08 Julio 2024 00:00

banner 2260x616 COST ACTION NEXT 8 12 julio IMDEA nanociencia 1

More information in the workshop website: https://nanociencia.imdea.org/wavemix2024/

The upcoming WavemiX (“Wave mixing in the EUV and X-ray”) annual workshop will be a meeting of the newly launched COST Action CA22148 (https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA22148/) , An international network for Non-linear Extreme Ultraviolet to hard X-ray techniques (NEXT – https://ca-next.eu/). The main goal of NEXT is to promote the development and application of advanced non-linear extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to X-ray spectroscopic and imaging techniques, enabled by Free Electron Laser (FEL) facilities and lab-based High-order Harmonic Generation (HHG) sources.

Moreover the WavemiX2024 – NEXT Annual Meeting will be a satellite meeting of Ultrafast Phenomena Conference to take place from 14 to 19 July 2024 in Barcelona, Spain (https://www.up2024.org/). The Ultrafast Phenomena Conference series began in 1976 and is held every two years. It is widely recognized as the premier international forum for gathering the community of scientists and engineers working in research and technology related to ultrafast phenomena.

The WavemiX2024 – NEXT Annual Meeting will focus on the latest theoretical and experimental development in the models, generation and application of few-femtosecond and attosecond pulses at FELs and HHG Sources, with emphasis on non-linear phenomena. The workshop will serve as a catalyst to promote the discussion of novel approaches for the generation of coherent pulses in these spectral ranges and for the implementation of novel schemes of ultrafast non-linear spectroscopy.

The meeting will be organized in 18 scientific sessions, with a series of invited talks (35+5 minutes each) and contributed talks (duration 15+5 minutes each) selected by the scientific committee of the meeting. Ample time will be dedicated to general and free discussions via coffee breaks, poster sessions and round tables. A special talk on the “Origin of biases” will be delivered by Dr. F. Logermann (MPG – Germany) expert in the field. Finally, in the spirit of creating a bridge between industry and scientists and open possibilities for secondments, a series of short pitches talks will be given by our industry partners.

Dates: 8-12 July 2024.

Location: IMDEA nanociencia – Madrid – Spain.