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  • Single Molecule Localization Microscopy and Automated TIRF

Single Molecule Localization Microscopy and Automated TIRF

Dr. Paulina Nowak (Abbelight)
Viernes, 10 Mayo 2024 12:00

Place: conference room, IMDEA Nanociencia.


Super-resolution imaging is entering multiple application areas due to its high precision and quantitative data throughput. Abbelight provides cutting-edge technologies, making them easy-to-use and accessible to researchers.
The seminar will cover following topics:
• Basics of Single Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy
• Sample preparation and experimental workflow
• Examples of applications: super-resolution imaging in neuroscience, extracellular vesicles at the nanoscale, single-particle tracking.


Short bio: 

Paulina is a biophysicist with 10+ years of experience in the fields of microbiology, cell signaling, and mechanobiology. She has expertise in advanced imaging techniques, including confocal microscopy, FLIM, FRAP, STED, and dSTORM. In the group of Prof. Christoph Cremer in Mainz, Germany, she got training in SMLM – then emerging technique allowing the best resolution achievable by an optical microscope. During her PhD in the group of Prof. Aurelien Roux in Geneva, Switzerland, she worked on new fluorescent probes for mechanobiology. In July 2023, she joined Abbelight to explore new advanced imaging applications and help researchers benefit from cutting-edge technologies.