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  • Career prospects with Alberto Rodríguez: Clinical trials

Career prospects with Alberto Rodríguez: Clinical trials

'Isabel Rodríguez' room 215
Viernes, 24 Enero 2025 12:30

“Career prospects” is a series of talks by IMDEA Nanociencia alumni to give their view of their stay as researchers at IMDEA Nanociencia and their subsequent professional careers, with the objective of providing PhD students a vision for their professional development. The series will be held online in English, and will be open for everyone (no registration required).

alberto r pulidoAlberto Rodríguez Pulido obtained his PhD in Science in 2009 at the Complutense University of Madrid, by studying new structures based on liposomes able to deliver DNA for gene therapy. Although having initially a physicochemical background, he was always motivated in exploring the clinical application of his projects. So on, during his first post-doc at Groningen University (the Netherlands), he improved his knowledge in the state-of-art of nanostructures for drug delivery. And during the second post-doc, performed at IMDEA Nanociencia, under the supervision of Prof. Cristina Flors, he developed and synthesized new proteins able to generate singlet-oxygen that can be used for several applications (from EM to photodynamic therapy). The skills acquired during his scientific career were essential to jump in 2018 to the private sector in Spain. He has become Senior Clinical Research associate at ICON plc., a multinational company focused on managing clinical trials around the world. He manages, reviews and monitors international clinical trials phase I, II and III, focused in different therapeutic areas (Oncology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Rheumatology,..), being the most important link between pharmaceutical companies and staff at the hospitals.

Date: 24th January 2025, 12:30.

Place: 'Isabel Rodríguez' room 215 (second floor), IMDEA Nanociencia.