Dr. Víctor Vega Mayoral
Víctor Vega joined IMDEA Nanociencia in January 2020 after winning a highly competitive Atracción del Talento fellowship. Since then, he has strengthened his position by securing a Ramón y Cajal fellowship, a César Nombela individual fellowship, and funding from various national projects. He is currently leading a research group consisting of one postdoctoral researcher and two PhD students, and he has supervised several other PhD students. Before joining IMDEA Nanociencia, he conducted research at Trinity College Dublin in Prof. Coleman's group and obtained his PhD at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Throughout his research career he has undertaken long-term scientific stays in Ireland, Germany, Italy, and the Czech Republic.
Research Lines
Our research focuses on the optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional materials, with particular interest in processes occurring within the femtosecond, picosecond, and nanosecond timescales. We study charge carrier and exciton dynamics as a fundamental step toward the application of novel materials in next-generation electronic and optoelectronic devices.