Dr. Rubén Turo Cortés
Position: Postdoctoral Researcher
Research: Switchable Nanomaterials
ORCID: 0000-0003-1565-7219
Researchegate profile:: Research Gate profile
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=wHQbfiQAAAAJ
Group webpage: Switchable Nanomaterials
Joining Date: October 2023
User Name: ruben.turo
Telephone: 8833
Rubén Turo completed the degree (2017) and master in Chemistry (2018) both at the University of Valencia (UV). He then worked on his PhD thesis (defended in 2023) under the supervision of Dr. Carlos Bartual Murgui and Prof. Dr. José Antonio Real Cabezos, on the research unit of Switchable Molecular Materials at the Instituto de Ciencia Molecular (ICMol-UV) where he specialized in the synthesis and characterization of funtional materials containing the Spin Crossover property. He is currently working as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Dr. José Sánchez Costa’s Switchable Nanomaterials group, working in the development of coordination compounds for thermal control.