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Alexandru Hrehoret

Position: PhD student
User Name: alexandru.hrehoret

During my bachelors degree in Chemistry at Complutense University of Madrid, I mainly developed synthetic organic chemistry techniques, having done my bachelor thesis at UCM Pluridisciplinary Institute in the synthesis of fluorescent Ca(II) selective probes. After that, I further developed my skills enrolling in the Interuniversity Organic Chemistry Master, where I finished my master's thesis in the development and application of organic reactions in flow microreactors, at Eli Lilly & Co. There, I performed classic organic chemistry procedures along with ozonolysis reactions using a gas-liquid flow platform, developing new techniques to obtain pharmacologically relevant compounds. 

Currently, I am a PhD student cosupervised by Dr Cristina Flors and Dr Nazario Martin at IMDEA Nanociencia. Here I work on the synthesis and advanced characterization of fluorescent glyco-fullerenes with biological properties.