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The Advanced Magneto-Optics group of IMDEA Nanociencia is associated with the Magneto-Optics group of the Surface Science Laboratory at UAM. The join group, JAMONano, is at the forefront of research on magnetic nanostructures, surface/interface science and it is equipped with a powerful battery of techniques that enable the investigation of many properties, including electronic, magnetic and transport behaviours.

We design and take use of advanced magneto-optic based instrumentation for nanotechnology research and development. Research is focused on low-dimensional artificial magnetic structures, such as ultrathin magnetic films and multilayers, magnetic nanostructures, magnetic nanoparticles and adsorbed molecules, with a particular emphasis on magnetization reversal processes and magnetoresitive responses.

We aim at probing and understanding both magnetization reversal and transport properties of magnetic nanostructures by systematically tuning intrinsic parameters, such as magnetic anisotropy and magnetic coupling, and extrinsic ones, like temperature and external fields (including dynamic effects). The current activities are focused on:

Magnetization reversal and magnetoresistive studies:

  • Influence of anisotropies (in-plane vs. perpendicular) & nanostructuration.
  • Static vs. dynamic and thermal effects; superparamagnetism.
  • Exchange bias, spin-valves, tunnel-junctions, multiferroics, nanoparticles, molecules.

Advanced electronic characterization:

  • Angular Resolved Photoemission Spectrocscopy (ARPES); spin-ARPES

Polarization dependent element-resolved x-ray spectroscopy and microscopy studies:

  • X-ray magnetic circular/linear dichroism, (XMCD/XMLD).
  • X-ray photoemission electron microscopy, X-PEEM.
  • Soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering & Magnetic holography imaging.