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  • Advanced Fluorescence Nanoscopy
  • Publications


  1. 9-Aryl-phenalenones: Bioinspired thermally reversible photochromic compounds for photoswitching applications in the pico-to milliseconds range. R. Bresolí-Obach, W. A. Massad, A. Abudulimu, L. Lüer, C. Flors, J. G. Luis, L. I. Rosquete, Teresa A. Grillo, O. Anamimoghadam, G. Bucher, S. Nonell, Dyes and Pigments, 2021,186, 109060

  2. Long-term STED imaging of amyloid fibers with exchangeable Thioflavin T. J. Torra, P. Bondia, S. Gutierrez-Erlandsson, B. Sot, C. Flors, Nanoscale, 2020,12, 15050-15053

  3. Mechanically Induced Bacterial Death Imaged in Real Time: A Simultaneous Nanoindentation and Fluorescence Microscopy Study. A. del Valle, J. Torra, P. Bondia, C. M. Tone, P. Pedraz, V. Vadillo-Rodríguez, C. Flors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (28), 31235–31241

  4. Nanoscale view of amyloid photodynamic damage. P. Bondia, J. Torra, C. M. Tone, T. Sawazaki, A. del Valle, B. Sot, S. Nonell, M. Kanai, Y. Sohma, C. Flors, J. Am Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 922

  5. Tailing miniSOG: structural bases of the complex photophysics of a flavin-binding singlet oxygen photosensitizing protein. Joaquim Torra, Céline Lafaye, Luca Signor, Sylvain Aumonier, Cristina Flors, Xiaokun Shu, Santi Nonell, Guillaume Gotthard, Antoine Royant, Sci. Rep. 2019, 9, 2428

  6. Linear assembly of lead bromide-based nanoparticles inside lead (II) polymers prepared by mixing the precursors of both the nanoparticle and the polymer. S. Gonzalez-Carrero, L. Bareño, E. Debroye, C. Martin, P. Bondia, C. Flors, R. E Galian, J. Hofkens, J. Pérez-Prieto, Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 2968-2971

  7. Mechanics of Virus-like Particles Labeled with Green Fluorescent Protein. Johann Mertens, Patricia Bondia, CarolinaAllende-Ballestero, José L. Carrascosa, Cristina Flors, José R. Castón, Biophys. J. 2018, 115(8),1561

  8. Singlet Oxygen: Chemistry, Applications and Challenges Ahead. Cristina Flors, Axel G. Griesbeck, Georgios Vassilikogiannakis, ChemPhotoChem 2018, 2(7) 510

  9. Fluorescent Flavoprotein Heterodimers: Combining Photostability with Singlet Oxygen Generation. Alberto Rodríguez‐Pulido, Joaquim Torra, Sara H. Mejías, Aitziber L. Cortajarena, Rubén Ruiz‐González , Santi Nonell, Cristina Flors, ChemPhotoChem 2018, 2(7) 571

  10. Dominik Wöll and Cristina Flors, Super-resolution Fluorescence Imaging for Materials Science, Small Methods 2017, 1, 1700191 doi/10.1002/smtd.201700191/abstract

  11. Correlative Super-Resolution Fluorescence Imaging and Atomic Force Microscopy for the Characterization of Biological Samples, P. Bondia,S. Casado, C. Flors, Methods in Molecular Biology 2017, 1663, 105-113

  12. Super-resolution Fluorescence Imaging for Materials Science, D. Wöll, C. Flors, Small Methods 2017, 1(10), 1700191

  13. Hybrid nanoscopy of hybrid nanomaterials, P. Bondia, R. Jurado, S. Casado, J. M. Domínguez-Vera, N. Gálvez, C. Flors, Small 2017, 13(17), 1604128.

  14. Photoswitching-Enabled Contrast Enhancement in Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, T. Vettenburg, A. Corral, A. Rodríguez-Pulido, C. Flors, J. Ripoll, ACS Photonics 2017, 4(3), 424-428

  15. Real-time imaging of photodynamic action in bacteria, A. Gollmer, A. Felgentraeger, T. Maisch, C. Flors, J. Biophoton. 2017, 10(2), 264-270

  16. Assessing the potential of photosensitizing flavoproteins as tags for correlative microscopy, A. Rodríguez-Pulido, A. L. Cortajarena, J. Torra, R. Ruiz-González, S. Nonell and C. Flors, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 8405-8408

  17. Apoferritin Fibers: a New Template for 1D Fluorescent Hybrid Nanostructures, R. Jurado, F. Castello, P. Bondia, S. Casado, C. Flors, R. Cuesta, J. M. Domínguez-Vera, Á. Orte and N. Gálvez, Nanoscale 2016, 8, 9648-9656

  18. Antibacterial Activity of DNA-Stabilized Silver Nanoclusters Tuned by Oligonucleotide Sequence, S. Javani, R. Lorca, A. Latorre, C. Flors, A. L. Cortajarena, and Á. Somoza, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8 (16), pp 10147–10154

  19. Biologically controlled synthesis and assembly of magnetite nanoparticles, M. Bennet, L. Bertinetti, R. K. Neely, A. Schertel, A. Körnig, C. Flors, F. D. Müller, D. Schüler, S. Klumpp, D. Faivre, Faraday Discuss 2015, 18, 71-83.

  20. β-Phenyl quenching of 9-phenylphenalenones: a novel photocyclisation reaction with biological implications, G. Bucher, R. Bresolí-Obach, C. Brosa, C. Flors, J. G. Luis, T. A. Grillo, S. Nonell, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2014,16, 18813-18820

  21. Correlative Atomic Force Microscopy and Localization-Based Super-Resolution Microscopy: Revealing Labelling and Image Reconstruction Artefacts, A. Monserrate, S. Casado, C. Flors, ChemPhysChem 2014, 5, 647–650

  22. Singlet Oxygen Generation by the Genetically Encoded Tag miniSOG, R. Ruiz-González, A. L. Cortajarena, S. H. Mejias, M. Agut, S. Nonell, C. Flors, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135 (26), 9564–9567

  23. Super-resolution fluorescence imaging of directly labelled DNA: from microscopy standards to living cells, C. Flors, J. Microscopy 2013, 251, 1-4

  24. Naphthoxanthenyl, a New Stable Phenalenyl Type Radical Stabilized by Electronic Effects, O. Anamimoghadam, M. D. Symes, C. Busche, D.-L. Long, S. T. Caldwell, C. Flors, S. Nonell, L. Cronin, G. Bucher, Org. Lett., 2013, 15 (12), 2970–2973

  25. Single-molecule imaging at high hydrostatic pressure, H. Vass, S. L. Black, C. Flors, D. Lloyd, F. B. Ward, R. J. Allen, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2013, 102, 154103

  26. Fluorescent proteins as singlet oxygen photosensitizers: mechanistic studies in photodynamic inactivation of bacteria, R. Ruiz-González, J. H. White, A. L. Cortajarena, M. Agut, S. Nonell, C. Flors, Proc. SPIE 8596, Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications V, 859609 (2013)

  27. A genetically-encoded photosensitiser demonstrates killing of bacteria by purely endogenous singlet oxygen, R. Ruiz-González, J. H. White, M. Agut, S. Nonell, C. Flors, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2012,11, 1411-1413

  28. Reversible Fluorescence Photoswitching in DNA, D. A. Smith, P. Holliger, C. Flors, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2012, 116 (34), 10290–10293

  29. Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy as a tool to study the nanoscale organization of chromosomes, C. Flors, W. C. Earnshaw, Curr. Op. Chem. Biol, 2011, 15, 838–844

  30. FIT for Purpose: PNA-Based Probes Enable mRNA Imaging in Living Cells, J. Tilsner, C. Flors, ChemBioChem 2011, 12, 1007-9

  31. DNA and Chromatin Imaging with Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy Based on Single-Molecule Localization, C. Flors, Biopolymers 2011, 95, 290-7

  32. Quantification of Photosensitized Singlet Oxygen Production by a Fluorescent Protein, X. Ragàs, L. P. Cooper, J. H. White, S. Nonell, C. Flors, ChemPhysChem 2011, 12, 161-5

  33. Singlet oxygen photosensitisation by GFP mutants: oxygen accessibility to the chromophore, A. Jiménez-Banzo, X. Ragàs, S. Abbruzzetti, C. Viappiani, B. Campanini, C. Flors, S. Nonell, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010,9, 1336-1341

  34. A super-resolution map of the vertebrate kinetochore, S. A. Ribeiro, P. Vagnarelli, Y. Dong, T. Hori, B. F. McEwen, T. Fukagawa, C. Flors, W. C. Earnshaw, PNAS 2010, 107, 10484–10489

  35. Photoswitching of monomeric and dimeric DNA-intercalating cyanine dyes for super-resolution microscopy applications, C. Flors, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010,9, 643-648

  36. Super-Resolution Imaging of DNA Labelled with Intercalating Dyes, C. Flors, C. N. J. Ravarani, D. T. F. Dryden, ChemPhysChem 2009, 10, 2201–2204

  37. Constitutively active RhoA inhibits proliferation by retarding G(1) to S phase cell cycle progression and impairing cytokinesis, P. Morin, C. Flors, M. F. Olson, Eur. J. Cell Biol 2009, 88, 495–507

  38. Nonlinear optical properties of photoswitchable fluorescent proteins, I. Asselberghs, C. Flors, E. De Meulenaere, B. Champagne, J. Vanderleyden, K. Clays, Proc. SPIE 7403, Nanobiosystems: Processing, Characterization, and Applications II, 74030P (2009)

  39. Second-Harmonic Generation in GFP-like Proteins, I. Asselberghs, C. Flors, L. Ferrighi, E. Botek, B. Champagne, H. Mizuno, R. Ando, A. Miyawaki, J. Hofkens, M. Van der Auweraer, K. Clays, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130 (46), pp 15713–15719

  40. How is cis-trans isomerization controlled in Dronpa mutants? A replica exchange molecular dynamics study, S. L. C. Moors , S. Michielssens, C. Flors, P. Dedecker, J. Hofkens, A. Ceulemans, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2008, 4 (6), pp 1012–1020

  41. Dark states in monomeric red fluorescent proteins studied by fluorescence correlation and single molecule spectroscopy, J. Hendrix, C. Flors, P. Dedecker, J. Hofkens, Y. Engelborghs, Biophys. J. 2008, 94, p4103–4113

  42. Singlet oxygen photosensitization by EGFP and its chromophore HBDI, A. Jiménez-Banzo, S. Nonell, J. Hofkens, C. Flors, Biophys. J. 2008, 94, 168–172

  43. Subdiffraction imaging through the selective donut-mode depletion of thermally stable photoswitchable fluorophores: Numerical analysis and application to the fluorescent protein Dronpa, P. Dedecker , J. Hotta ,C. Flors, M. Sliwa ,H. Uji-i ,M. B. J. Roeffaers, R. Ando, H. Mizuno, A. Miyawaki, J. Hofkens, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129 (51), pp 16132–16141

  44. A stroboscopic approach for fast photoactivation-localization microscopy with Dronpa mutants, C. Flors, J. Hotta, H. Uji-i ,P. Dedecker, R. Ando, H. Mizuno, A. Miyawaki , J. Hofkens, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129 (45), pp 13970–13977

  45. 3D nanoscopy: Bringing biological nanostructures into sharp focus, P. Dedecker, C. Flors, J. Hotta, H. Uji-i, J. Hofkens, Angewandte Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 8330–8332

  46. Single perylene diimide dendrimers as single-photon sources, M. Sliwa, C. Flors, I. Oesterling, J. Hotta, K. Müllen, F. C. De Schryver, J. Hofkens, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 445004

  47. Highlighted generation of fluorescence signals using simultaneous two-color irradiation on Dronpa mutants, R. Ando, C. Flors, H. Mizuno, J. Hofkens, A. Miyawaki, Biophys. J. 2007, 92, L97–L99

  48. Ultrafast excited-state dynamics of the photoswitchable protein dronpa, E. Fron, C. Flors, G. Schweitzer, S. Habuchi, H. Mizuno, R. Ando, F. C. De Schryver, A. Miyawaki, J. Hofkens, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129 (16), pp 4870–4871

  49. Energy and electron transfer in ethynylene bridged perylene diimide multichromophores, C. Flors ,I. Oesterling, T. Schnitzler, E. Fron, G. Schweitzer, M. Sliwa, A. Herrmann, M. van der Auweraer, F. C. de Schryver, K. Müllen, J. Hofkens, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111 (12), pp 4861–4870

  50. Photo-induced protonation/deprotonation in the GFP-like fluorescent protein Dronpa: mechanism responsible for the reversible photoswitching, S. Habuchi, P. Dedecker, J. Hotta, C. Flors, R. Ando, H. Mizuno, A. Miyawaki, J. Hofkens, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2006,5, 567-576

  51. Photoconversion in the red fluorescent protein from the sea anemone Entacmaea quadricolor: Is cis-trans isomerization involved?, D. Loos , S. Habuchi, C. Flors, J. Hotta, J. Wiedenmann, G. U. Nienhaus, J. Hofkens, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128 (19), pp 6270–6271

  52. Solvent and pH dependent fluorescent properties of a dimethylaminostyryl borondipyrromethene dye in solution, M. Baruah, W. Qin, C. Flors , J. Hofkens, R. A. L. Vallée , D. Beljonne , M. Van der Auweraer, W. M. De Borggraeve, N. Boens, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2006, 110 (18), pp 5998–6009

  53. Light and singlet oxygen in plant defense against pathogens: Phototoxic phenalenone phytoalexins, C. Flors, S. Nonell, Acc. Chem. Res., 2006, 39 (5), pp 293–300

  54. Imaging the production of singlet oxygen in vivo using a new fluorescent sensor, Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green (R), C. Flors, M. J Fryer, J. Waring, B. Reeder, U. Bechtold, P. M. Mullineaux, S. Nonell, M. T. Wilson, N. R Baker, J. Exp. Bot. (2006) 57 (8): 1725-1734.

  55. Phototoxic phytoalexins. Processes that compete with the photosensitized production of singlet oxygen by 9-phenylphenalenones, C. Flors, P. R. Ogilby, J. G. Luis, T. A. Grillo, L. R. Izquierdo, P-L Gentili, L. Bussotti, S. Nonell, Photochem. Photobiol. 2006, 82, 95–103

  56. Photochemistry of phytoalexins containing phenalenone-like chromophores: Photophysics and singlet oxygen photosensitizing properties of the plant oxoaporphine alkaloid oxoglaucine, C. Flors, C. Prat, R. Suau, F. Nájera, S. Nonell, Photochem. Photobiol. 2005, 81, 120-124

  57. Light- and singlet oxygen-mediated antifungal activity of phenylphenalenone phytoalexins, A. Lazzaro, M. Corominas, C. Martí, C. Flors, L. R. Izquierdo, T. A. Grillo, J. G. Luis, S. Nonell, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2004,3, 706-710

  58. Radical species derived from phenalenone: characterization and role of upper excited states, C. Flors, S. Nonell, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. Chem. 2004, 163, 9-12

  59. On the phosphorescence of 1H-phenalen-1-one, C. Flors, S. Nonell, Helv. Chim. Acta 2001, 84, 2533–2539