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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Porphyrinic Acceptors for Fullerene-Free Molecular Photovoltaics

Labella J., Laforga-Martin J., Torres T.
CCS Chemistry , 2024 , 6 , 276 296 ,DOI: 10.31635/ccschem.023.202303395

Determination and correction of spectral phase from principal component analysis of coherent phonons

Amuah E.B., Siddiqui K.M., Monti M., Johnson A.S., Wall S.E.
Optics Express , 2024 , 32 , 3817 3825 ,DOI: 10.1364/OE.514141

Multiparametric modulation of magnetic transduction for biomolecular sensing in liquids

Sanz-De Diego E., Aires A., Palacios-Alonso P., Cabrera D., Silvestri N., Vequi-Suplicy C.C., Artés-Ibáñez E.J., Requejo-Isidro J., Delgado-Buscalioni R., Pellegrino T., Cortajarena A.L., Terán F.J., Cortajarena A.L.
Nanoscale , 2024 , 16 , 4082 4094 ,DOI: 10.1039/d3nr06489a

Clicking beyond suspensions: understanding thiol-ene chemistry on solid-supported MoS2

Rodríguez González M.C., Ibarburu I.M., Rebanal C., Sulleiro M.V., Sasikumar R., Naranjo A., Ayani C.G., Garnica M., Calleja F., Pérez E.M., Vázquez de Parga A.L., De Feyter S.
Nanoscale , 2024 , 16 , 3749 3754 ,DOI: 10.1039/d3nr05236b

Self-assembled D-?-A multifunctional systems with tunable stimuli-responsive emission and optical waveguiding behaviour

Martín R., Sánchez-Oliva A., Benito A., Torres-Moya I., Garcia A.M., Álvarez-Conde J., Cabanillas-González J., Prieto P., Gómez-Lor B.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2024 , 12 , 2903 2910 ,DOI: 10.1039/d3tc04100j

Robust Amide-Linked Fluorinated Covalent Organic Framework for Long-Term Oxygen Reduction Reaction Electrocatalysis

Jiménez-Duro M., Martínez-Periñán E., Martínez-Fernández M., Martínez J.I., Lorenzo E., Segura J.L.
Small , 2024 ,DOI: 10.1002/smll.202402082

Bending rigidity, sound propagation and ripples in flat graphene

Aseginolaza U., Diego J., Cea T., Bianco R., Monacelli L., Libbi F., Calandra M., Bergara A., Mauri F., Errea I.
Nature Physics , 2024 ,DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02441-z

Coupling organic free-radical molecules to lumped-element superconducting resonators

Rubín-Osanz M., de Ory M.C., Gimeno I., Granados D., Zueco D., Gomez A., Luis F.
Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur , 2024 , 50 , 520 529

All-optical seeding of a light-induced phase transition with correlated disorder

Johnson A.S., Pastor E., Batlle-Porro S., Benzidi H., Katayama T., de la Peña Muñoz G.A., Krapivin V., Kim S., López N., Trigo M., Wall S.E.
Nature Physics , 2024 ,DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02474-4

On-Surface Synthesis of Organolanthanide Sandwich Complexes

Mathialagan S.K., Parreiras S.O., Tenorio M., ?erna L., Moreno D., Muñiz-Cano B., Navío C., Valvidares M., Valbuena M.A., Urgel J.I., Gargiani P., Miranda R., Camarero J., Martínez J.I., Gallego J.M., Écija D.
Advanced Science , 2024 ,DOI: 10.1002/advs.202308125

Benzenehexol-Based 2D Conjugated Metal–Organic Frameworks with Kagome Lattice Exhibiting a Metallic State

Wang Z., St. Petkov P., Zhang J., Liang B., Revuelta S., Xiao K., Tiwari K., Guo Q., Li Z., Zhang J., Qi H., Zhou S., Kaiser U., Heine T., Cánovas E., Parkin S.S.P., Feng X., Dong R.
Advanced Functional Materials , 2024 ,DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202404680

Imaging the Breakdown and Restoration of Topological Protection in Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4

Li Q., Di Bernardo I., Maniatis J., McEwen D., Dominguez-Celorrio A., Bhuiyan M.T.H., Zhao M., Tadich A., Watson L., Lowe B., Vu T.-H.-Y., Trang C.X., Hwang J., Mo S.-K., Fuhrer M.S., Edmonds M.T.
Advanced Materials , 2024 ,DOI: 10.1002/adma.202312004

Attosecond metrology of the two-dimensional charge distribution in molecules

Loriot V., Boyer A., Nandi S., González-Collado C.M., Plésiat E., Marciniak A., Garcia C.L., Hu Y., Lara-Astiaso M., Palacios A., Decleva P., Martín F., Lépine F.
Nature Physics , 2024 ,DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02406-2

Exploiting redox reaction mediated by Fe3O4 nanoparticles to control Cr(VI) presence in drinking water

Asimakidou T., Kalaitzidou K., Tsingenopoulou Z., Martinez-Boubeta C., Venegas-Gomez A., Teran F.J., Balcells L., Simeonidis K.
Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering , 2024 ,DOI: 10.1007/s41204-024-00359-8

Extended magic phase in twisted graphene multilayers

Foo D.C.W., Zhan Z., Al Ezzi M.M., Peng L., Adam S., Guinea F.
Physical Review Research , 2024 , 6 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.013165