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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Soluble Ruthenium Phthalocyanines as Semiconductors for Organic Thin-Film Transistors

García-Calvo J., Cranston R.R., López-Duarte I., Torres T., Lessard B.H.
ChemElectroChem , 2023 ,DOI: 10.1002/celc.202300286

Flat bands and electronic localization in twisted bilayer graphene nanoribbons

Andrade E., Pantaleón P.A., Guinea F., Naumis G.G.
Physical Review B , 2023 , 108 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.235418

Tetrahedraphene: A Csp3-centered 3D Molecular Nanographene Showing Aggregation-Induced Emission

Oró A., Romeo-Gella F., Perles J., Fernández-García J.M., Corral I., Martín N.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition , 2023 , 62 ,DOI: 10.1002/anie.202312314

Non-equilibrium dynamics of spin-lattice coupling

Ueda H., Mankowsky R., Paris E., Sander M., Deng Y., Liu B., Leroy L., Nag A., Skoropata E., Wang C., Ukleev V., Perren G.S., Dössegger J., Gurung S., Svetina C., Abreu E., Savoini M., Kimura T., Patthey L., Razzoli E., Lemke H.T., Johnson S.L., Staub U.
Nature Communications , 2023 , 14 ,DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-43581-9

Exciton formation dynamics at the SiO2/Si interface

Revuelta S., Cánovas E.
Communications Materials , 2023 , 4 ,DOI: 10.1038/s43246-023-00427-7

Microfabrication of Sm2Co17 micromagnets for MEMS and micromotors using ultrashort pulsed hydro laser micromilling process

Villalba-Alumbreros G., Soler-Morala J., Bollero A., Kanitz A., Hoppius J., Valiente-Blanco I., Diez-Jimenez E.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology , 2023 , 129 , 4961 4970 ,DOI: 10.1007/s00170-023-12642-0

On-Surface Interchain Coupling and Skeletal Rearrangement of Indenofluorene Polymers

Chen Q., Di Giovannantonio M., Eimre K., Urgel J.I., Ruffieux P., Pignedoli C.A., Müllen K., Fasel R., Narita A.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics , 2023 , 224 ,DOI: 10.1002/macp.202300345

From Multi- to Single-Hollow Trimetallic Nanocrystals by Ultrafast Heating

Manzaneda-González V., Jenkinson K., Peña-Rodríguez O., Borrell-Grueiro O., Triviño-Sánchez S., Bañares L., Junquera E., Espinosa A., González-Rubio G., Bals S., Guerrero-Martínez A.
Chemistry of Materials , 2023 , 35 , 9603 9612 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c01698

Pd-Catalyzed δ-C(sp3)−H Thiolation of Amino Acid Derivatives

García-Viada A., Sánchez-González C., Martínez-Mingo M., Alonso I., Rodríguez N., Carretero J.C.
Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis , 2023 , 365 , 3973 3980 ,DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202300808

Scalable Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Performance of Highly Fluorinated Covalent Organic Frameworks for Oxygen Reduction

Martínez-Fernández M., Martínez-Periñán E., de la Peña Ruigómez A., Cabrera-Trujillo J.J., Navarro J.A.R., Aguilar-Galindo F., Rodríguez-San-Miguel D., Ramos M., Vismara R., Zamora F., Lorenzo E., Segura J.L.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition , 2023 , 62 ,DOI: 10.1002/anie.202313940

Detection of the Uveal Melanoma-Associated Mutation GNAQ Q209P from Liquid Biopsy Using CRISPR/Cas12a Technology

Escalona-Noguero C., Alarcón-Iniesta H., López-Valls M., del Carpio L.P., Piulats J.M., Somoza A., Sot B.
Analytical Chemistry , 2023 , 95 , 16692 16700 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03460

Controlling the reactivity of phthalonitriles for the efficient synthesis of chiral phthalocyanines with self-assembly abilities

Paramio I., Torres T., de la Torre G.
Organic Chemistry Frontiers , 2023 , 11 , 60 66 ,DOI: 10.1039/d3qo01630g

Synthesis, physicochemical properties and theoretical calculations of a subphthalocyanine peripherally substituted by multiple anthryl-ethynyl-aniline moieties

Fernandez-Vera O., Bo Y., Luo Y., Labella J., Guldi D.M., Torres T., Bottari G.
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines , 2023 , 27 , 1562 1572 ,DOI: 10.1142/S1088424623501201

Infrared Spectral Fingerprint of Neutral and Charged Endo- and Exohedral Metallofullerenes

Barzaga R., García-Hernández D.A., Díaz-Tendero S., Sadjadi S., Manchado A., Alcami M., Gómez-Muñoz M.A., Huertas-Roldán T.
Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series , 2023 , 269 ,DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/acfd99

Disentangling the evolution of electrons and holes in photoexcited ZnO nanoparticles

Milne C.J., Nagornova N., Pope T., Chen H.-Y., Rossi T., Szlachetko J., Gawelda W., Britz A., van Driel T.B., Sala L., Ebner S., Katayama T., Southworth S.H., Doumy G., March A.M., Lehmann C.S., Mucke M., Iablonskyi D., Kumagai Y., Knopp G., Motomura K., Togashi T., Owada S., Yabashi M., Nielsen M.M., Pajek M., Ueda K., Abela R., Penfold T.J., Chergui M.
Structural Dynamics , 2023 , 10 ,DOI: 10.1063/4.0000204

Obtaining extended insight into molecular systems by probing multiple pathways in second-order nonlinear spectroscopy

Fellows A.P., Balos V., John B., Díaz Duque I., Wolf M., Thämer M.
Journal of Chemical Physics , 2023 , 159 ,DOI: 10.1063/5.0169534

Trifluoromethylarylation of alkenes using anilines

Corral Suarez C., Colomer I.
Chemical Science , 2023 , 14 , 12083 12090 ,DOI: 10.1039/d3sc03868h

Strain-Induced Quasi-1D Channels in Twisted Moiré Lattices

Sinner A., Pantaleón P.A., Guinea F.
Physical Review Letters , 2023 , 131 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.166402

Noncollinear, inelastic four-wave mixing in the extreme ultraviolet

Mincigrucci R., Cannizzo A., Capotondi F., Cinquegrana P., Cucini R., Dallari F., Danailov M.B., De Ninno G., Mitri S.Di., Feurer T., Foglia L., Frei H.-M., Manfredda M., Maznev A.A., Monaco G., Naumenko D., Nikolov I., Ollmann Z., Paltanin E., Pamfilidis G., Pedersoli E., Principi E., Rehault J., Simoncig A., Svetina C., Knopp G., Masciovecchio C., Bencivenga F.
Optica , 2023 , 10 , 1383 1388 ,DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.497745

Optimal coupling of Ho W10 molecular magnets to superconducting circuits near spin clock transitions

Gimeno I., Rollano V., Zueco D., Duan Y., De Ory M.C., Gomez A., Gaita-Ariño A., Sánchez-Azqueta C., Astner T., Granados D., Hill S., Majer J., Coronado E., Luis F.
Physical Review Applied , 2023 , 20 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.044070