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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Mechanochemical Evolution of Disulfide Bonds in Proteins

Schönfelder J., Alonso-Caballero A., Perez-Jimenez R.
Methods in Molecular Biology , 2022 , 2376 , 283 300 ,DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1716-8_15

Molecular Simulations of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and Their Binding Mechanisms

Chu X., Nagpal S., Muñoz V.
Methods in Molecular Biology , 2022 , 2376 , 343 362 ,DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-1716-8_19

Asymmetric Elimination Reaction on Chiral Metal Surfaces

Stolz S., Danese M., Di Giovannantonio M., Urgel J.I., Sun Q., Kinikar A., Bommert M., Mishra S., Brune H., Gröning O., Passerone D., Widmer R.
Advanced Materials , 2022 , 34 ,DOI: 10.1002/adma.202104481

Tuning the Optical Properties of Au Nanoclusters by Designed Proteins

Lopez-Martinez E., Gianolio D., Garcia-Orrit S., Vega-Mayoral V., Cabanillas-Gonzalez J., Sanchez-Cano C., Cortajarena A.L.
Advanced Optical Materials , 2022 , 10 ,DOI: 10.1002/adom.202101332

Imaging the elusive C–C bond dissociation channel of photoexcited ethyl radical

Marggi Poullain S., Rubio-Lago L., Chicharro D.V., Boullagui A., Zanchet A., Yazidi O., García-Vela A., Bañares L.
Molecular Physics , 2022 , 120 ,DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2021.1984598

Photoactive Platinum(II) Azopyridine Complexes†

Farley S.J., Salassa L., Pizarro A.M., Sadler P.J.
Photochemistry and Photobiology , 2022 , 98 , 92 101 ,DOI: 10.1111/php.13405

Ultrafast Loss of Lattice Coherence in the Light-Induced Structural Phase Transition of V2 O3

Johnson A.S., Moreno-Mencía D., Amuah E.B., Menghini M., Locquet J.-P., Giannetti C., Pastor E., Wall S.E.
Physical Review Letters , 2022 , 129 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.255701

Tracking structural solvent reorganization and recombination dynamics following e-photoabstraction from aqueous I-with femtosecond x-ray spectroscopy and scattering

Vester P., Kubicek K., Alonso-Mori R., Assefa T., Biasin E., Christensen M., Dohn A.O., Van Driel T.B., Galler A., Gawelda W., Harlang T.C.B., Henriksen N.E., Kjær K.S., Kuhlman T.S., Németh Z., Nurekeyev Z., Pápai M., Rittman J., Vankó G., Yavas H., Zederkof D.B., Bergmann U., Nielsen M.M., Møller K.B., Haldrup K., Bressler C.
Journal of Chemical Physics , 2022 , 157 ,DOI: 10.1063/5.0107224

Unusual Magnetic Hysteresis and Transition between Vortex and Double Pole States Arising from Interlayer Coupling in Diamond-Shaped Nanostructures

Parente A., Navarro H., Vargas N.M., Lapa P., Basaran A.C., González E.M., Redondo C., Morales R., Munoz Noval A., Schuller I.K., Vicent J.L.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces , 2022 , 14 , 54961 54968 ,DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c16950

Selectively Addressing Plasmonic Modes and Excitonic States in a Nanocavity Hosting a Quantum Emitter

Martín-Jiménez A., Jover Ó., Lauwaet K., Granados D., Miranda R., Otero R.
Nano Letters , 2022 , 22 , 9283 9289 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c02758

MOF-Based Materials with Sensing Potential: Pyrrolidine-Fused Chlorin at UiO-66(Hf) for Enhanced NO2 Detection

Queirós C., Moscoso F.G., Almeida J., Silva A.M.G., Sousaraei A., Cabanillas-González J., Ribeiro Carrott M., Lopes-Costa T., Pedrosa J.M., Cunha-Silva L.
Chemosensors , 2022 , 10 ,DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors10120511

Wavelength dependence of the multiphoton ionization of CH3I by intense femtosecond laser pulses through Freeman resonances

Casasús I.M., Corrales M.E., Bañares L.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2022 , 24 , 29616 29628 ,DOI: 10.1039/d2cp04308d

Crystal size dependence of dipolar ferromagnetic order between Mn6 molecular nanomagnets

Burzurí E., Martínez-Pérez M.J., Muntó M., Barrios L.A., Ventosa N., Roubeau O., Veciana J., Aromí G., Luis F.
Physical Review B , 2022 , 106 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.106.L180407

The Rashba Splitting in SmB6

Rader O., Hlawenka P., Siemensmeyer K., Weschke E., Varykhalov A., Sanchez-Barriga J., Shitsevalova N.Y., Filipov V.B., Gabáni S., Flachbart K., Rienks E.D.L.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics , 2022 , 135 , 596 603 ,DOI: 10.1134/S1063776122100090

Vapochromic effect in switchable molecular-based spin crossover compounds

Resines-Urien E., Fernandez-Bartolome E., Martinez-Martinez A., Gamonal A., Piñeiro-López L., Costa J.S.
Chemical Society Reviews , 2022 ,DOI: 10.1039/d2cs00790h

Theoretical Approach for Electron Dynamics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy (EDUS)

Cistaro G., Malakhov M., Esteve-Paredes J.J., Uría-Álvarez A.J., Silva R.E.F., Martín F., Palacios J.J., Picón A.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation , 2022 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.jctc.2c00674