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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Prominent out-of-plane diffraction in helium scattering from a methyl-terminated Si(111) surface

Del Cueto M., Muzas A.S., Frankcombe T.J., Martín F., Diáz C.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2019 , 21 , 15879 15887 ,DOI: 10.1039/c9cp02141h

A switchable iron-based coordination polymer toward reversible acetonitrile electro-optical readout

Resines-Urien E., Burzurí E., Fernandez-Bartolome E., García García-Tuñón M.Á., De La Presa P., Poloni R., Teat S.J., Costa J.S.
Chemical Science , 2019 , 10 , 6612 6616 ,DOI: 10.1039/c9sc02522g

Sestrins at the interface of ROS control and autophagy regulation in health and disease

Cordani M., Sánchez-Álvarez M., Strippoli R., Bazhin A.V., Donadelli M.
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity , 2019 , 2019 ,DOI: 10.1155/2019/1283075

Understanding the affinity of bis-exTTF macrocyclic receptors towards fullerene recognition

Calbo J., De Juan A., Aragó J., Villalva J., Martín N., Pérez E.M., Ortí E.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2019 , 21 , 11670 11675 ,DOI: 10.1039/c9cp01735f

Saddle-like, π-conjugated, cyclooctatetrathiophene-based, hole-transporting material for perovskite solar cells

Urieta-Mora J., García-Benito I., Zimmermann I., Aragó J., Calbo J., Grancini G., Molina-Ontoria A., Ortí E., Martín N., Nazeeruddin M.K.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2019 , 7 , 6656 6663 ,DOI: 10.1039/c9tc00437h

Minimizing geminate recombination losses in small-molecule-based organic solar cells

Sandoval-Torrientes R., Gavrik A., Isakova A., Abudulimu A., Calbo J., Aragó J., Santos J., Ortí E., Martín N., Dyakonov V., Lüer L.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2019 , 7 , 6641 6648 ,DOI: 10.1039/c9tc00862d

Assembly effect on the charge carrier mobility in quaterthiophene-based n/p-materials

López-Andarias A., Atienza C., López-Andarias J., Matsuda W., Sakurai T., Seki S., Martín N.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2019 , 7 , 6649 6655 ,DOI: 10.1039/c9tc00165d

Ultrafast imaging of laser-controlled non-adiabatic dynamics in NO2 from time-resolved photoelectron emission

Richter M., González-Vázquez J., Mašín Z., Brambila D.S., Harvey A.G., Morales F., Martín F.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2019 , 21 , 10038 10051 ,DOI: 10.1039/c9cp00649d

Formation of highly ordered micro fillers in polymeric matrix by electro-field-assisted aligning

Zhang Y., Zheng X., Jiang W., Han J., Pu J., Wang L., Lei B., Chen B., Shi Y., Yin L., Liu H., Luo F., Liu X., Chen J.
RSC Advances , 2019 , 9 , 15238 15245 ,DOI: 10.1039/c9ra00507b

Reversible transformation between Cu(i)-thiophenolate coordination polymers displaying luminescence and electrical properties

Troyano J., Castillo Ó., Amo-Ochoa P., Martínez J.I., Zamora F., Delgado S.
CrystEngComm , 2019 , 21 , 3232 3239 ,DOI: 10.1039/c9ce00313d

TiO2 self-assembled, thin-walled nanotube arrays for photonic applications

David C.
Materials , 2019 , 12 ,DOI: 10.3390/ma12081332

Impact of molecular conformation on triplet-fusion induced photon energy up-conversion in the absence of exothermic triplet energy transfer

Goudarzi H., Limbu S., Cabanillas-González J., Zenonos V.M., Kim J.-S., Keivanidis P.E.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2019 , 7 , 3634 3643 ,DOI: 10.1039/c8tc06283h

Charge transfer in graphene quantum dots coupled with tetrathiafulvalenes

Scharl T., Ferrer-Ruiz A., Saura-Sanmartín A., Rodríguez-Pérez L., Ángeles Herranz M., Martín N., Guldi D.M.
Chemical Communications , 2019 , 55 , 3223 3226 ,DOI: 10.1039/c8cc09990a

Repeat proteins as versatile scaffolds for arrays of redox-active FeS clusters

Mejias S.H., Bahrami-Dizicheh Z., Liutkus M., Sommer D.J., Astashkin A., Kodis G., Ghirlanda G., Cortajarena A.L.
Chemical Communications , 2019 , 55 , 3319 3322 ,DOI: 10.1039/c8cc06827e

Linear assembly of lead bromide-based nanoparticles inside lead(ii) polymers prepared by mixing the precursors of both the nanoparticle and the polymer

Gonzalez-Carrero S., Bareño L., Debroye E., Martin C., Bondia P., Flors C., Galian R.E., Hofkens J., Pérez-Prieto J.
Chemical Communications , 2019 , 55 , 2968 2971 ,DOI: 10.1039/c8cc10287b

Synthesis and structural characterization of transition metal dithiolene derivatives containing divalent metals as counter-cations

Castillo O., Delgado E., Hernández D., Hernández E., Martín A., Zamora F.
CrystEngComm , 2019 , 21 , 1423 1432 ,DOI: 10.1039/c8ce01916a

Photoinduced effects on the magnetic properties of the (Fe 0.2 Cr 0.8 ) 1.5 [Cr(CN) 6 ] Prussian blue analogue

Luque F.J., Kowalik I.A., Prieto-Ruiz J.P., Ninõ M.Á., Prima-Garciá H., Romero F.M., Arvanitis D., Mathonière C., Coronado E., Miranda R., De Miguel J.J.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2019 , 7 , 2305 2317 ,DOI: 10.1039/c8tc05815f

Copper dithiolene [Cu(SC 6 H 2 Cl 2 S) 2 ] − units connected to alkaline/copper complexes: from ionic assemblies to discrete molecular entities and coordination polymers

Amo-Ochoa P., Castillo O., Delgado E., Gallut A., Hernández E., Perles J., Zamora F.
CrystEngComm , 2019 , 21 , 957 963 ,DOI: 10.1039/c8ce01594e

Chemical sensing of water contaminants by a colloid of a fluorescent imine-linked covalent organic framework

Albacete P., López-Moreno A., Mena-Hernando S., Platero-Prats A.E., Pérez E.M., Zamora F.
Chemical Communications , 2019 , 55 , 1382 1385 ,DOI: 10.1039/c8cc08307j

On modeling of plasmon-induced enhancement of the efficiency of solar cells modified by metallic nano-particles

Kluczyk K., David C., Jacak J., Jacak W.
Nanomaterials , 2019 , 9 ,DOI: 10.3390/nano9010003