The group taking a pottery course for the first time (March 2024) Group Christmas dinner (December 2023) Valle enters the young forum of the Royal Academy of Medicine, October 2023 Scape room in Madrid (May 2023) Invited talk at the Spanish Young Academy (October 2021) Kayaking in the San Juan Reservoir (June 2022) Luminescence in a box! (March 2022) Madrid Is Science Fair 2022 Teaching the youngest about science! (February 2022) Explaining how COVID-19 infects us to school students (February 2022) Invited talk at Spanish Young Academy (October 2021) Week of science at IMDEA Nanociencia (October 2021) Group lunch (September 2021) The group at Researchers Night (September 2021) Carlota’s farewell (she will be joining Prof. Talbot lab, Oxford U., for 6 months) (April 2021,) Group picture at CIB CSIC mural ( March 2021) Trekking to Patones’ Gullies (June 2021) The group in May 2019