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  • REGINNA Regenerative Innovative Nanotools & Nanomaterials

REGINNA Regenerative Innovative Nanotools & Nanomaterials

    Funding :

    MINECO. Proyectos de I+D+i – RTI PID2020-120202RB-I00

    Duration: 2021 - 2024

This project is devoted to the development of nanostructured surfaces and electrodes to be used in regenerative therapies.

Degenerative diseases and impairments from injuries are becoming increasingly prevalent essentially because people live longer. Because of this new social reality, the clinical need for treatments to effective repair or regenerate injured or diseased tissues has increased tremendously.

Regenerative approaches aim at healing by harnessing the body’s innate capacity to heal and can be realized through in-vitro or in situ tissue engineering approaches. Both approaches rely to a large extent on the responses of cells and tissues to biophysical stimuli. In this

regard, nanotechnology can provide for a superior control over the biochemical and mechanical biointerface interactions with the biological entities and as such deliver more effectively stimulation treatments.

Hence, the major undertaking of REGINNA is to implemented nanotechnology to precisely fabricate advanced cell instructive microenvironments or cellular interfaces in soft materials to create nanomaterials and nanotools for effective biophysical stimulation of cells or tissues and to elicit positive regenerative responses.