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  • MRLSMO LSMO based magnetoresistive sensors

MRLSMO LSMO based magnetoresistive sensors

Dr. Paolo Perna

MRLSMO LSMO based magnetoresistive sensors
    Funding : CNRS Projet de coopération PICS 2012 France / Espagne nº 157683
    Duration: 2012 - 2014
    36 months

The MRLSMO project is a cooperation project financed by the CNRS that focuses on the fabrication and characterization of half metallic perovskitic oxide La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) based magnetoresistive sensors. The project is established between the GREYC (CNRS-UMR 6072) laboratory and the Nanomagnetism’s group at IMDEA Nanociencia Institute. With the aim of optimizing the magnetoresistive performances of the LSMObased structures, we plan to investigate all the aspects concerning the fabrication of devices, i.e. thin film deposition and photolithography, structural characterization of materials, study of the magnetic properties (magnetic anisotropy), magnetoresistance and noise measurements.

The strength of the project relies on the multidisciplinarity of the partners in electrical engineering for GREYC and in nanomagnetism physics for IMDEA Nanociencia. The two groups already demonstrated a strong scientific collaboration as demonstrated by several common publications on the investigation of the magnetization reversal processes, on the magnetic anisotropy and on the magnetoresistive response in this system
