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  • NANOSCELL Placas de cultivo celular nanoestructuradas

NANOSCELL Placas de cultivo celular nanoestructuradas

PI: Isabel Rodríguez, Teresa González

    Funding :

    Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
    Convocatoria Pruebas de Concepto PDC2021-121515-I00

    min resiliencia

    Duration: 2021 - 2023

In NanoScell, we aim to determine the market potential of new cell culture plates coated by well-defined nanostructures, including electrically conductive ones, for their use primarily in cell biology studies, drug discovery, and regeneration medicine.

In vitro tissue regeneration approaches often involve the use of cells cultured onto suitable materials or scaffolds which, by using specific biochemical factors, induce the formation of new viable tissue as substitute of that damaged. However, these processes are still poorly controlled till today, with insufficiently reproducibility. Therefore, a significant progress is required to better understand and control the mechanisms that govern the response of cells towards the desired outcomes for in vitro or in situ tissue regeneration approaches.

NanoScell will use surface nanotopography and/or electric fields as stimulus to drive the response of cell cultures toward desired outcomes. These biophysical cues have the advantages over more traditional biochemical cues of being more cost-effective, long lasting, highly reproducible, and amenable lo large scale production.

During NanoScell, we will develop this emerging technology to improve its adoption by the market through a valorization process of our patented technology. We will develop demonstration prototypes consisting of cell culture plates with nanostructured conductive platforms integrated onto them to provide biologist end-users with practical assay platforms to study or detect cellular events of interest.