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Gender Equality Plan


IMDEA Nanociencia's Gender Equality Plan (GEP) has been elaborated within the framework of the Severo Ochoa project, in compliance with one of its actions. A working group has been set up and a survey has been prepared following the guidelines of the "GENDER-NET Report" European project. The situation reflected in this plan and the proposed actions come from the participation of IMDEA Nanoscience's researchers through an online survey and a discussion session with the working group.

The first GEP was approved in 2019 and has been updated for the period 2024-2027.


IMDEA Nanoscience recognizes that cultural, demographic and social diversity, and specifically gender diversity improve the quality of research and contribute to excellence. Diverse workgroups are more innovative, generate more effective and viable ideas, develop new approaches and carry out a more critical analysis. Diversity and equality of opportunities are also important in terms of social justice and to ensure the centres are competitive.

IMDEA Nanoscience also agrees on the need to attract and retain the best researchers and considers that the unequal representation of women in key management and research positions is a challenge that must be overcome for the sake of society and in order to strive for excellence in research.

Based on this vision, IMDEA Nanoscience is committed to implementing a gender equality plan which aims:

  • Promoting diversity, in particular gender diversity, and equality of opportunities for men and women as strategic factors for achieving greater effectiveness, innovation, creativity, and competitiveness.
  • Creating an environment that prevents discrimination and harassment.

Ensuring that executive committees show clear, transparent and visible leadership on managing diversity as a strategic factor for achieving greater effectiveness, innovation, creativity and competitiveness.


IMDEA Nanoscience has assumed four priority areas or lines of action around with specific measures to promote diversity and equality have been designed which come from the "GENDER-NET Report" European project,

  • Stablishing the gender perspective at the leadership level.
  • Identifying decision-making structures and procedures.
  • Recruiting, retaining and advancement of women researchers, including leading positions.
  • Improving work environment, work-life balance, and dual careers.