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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Dra. Milagros Castellanos Molina

Position: Assistant Researcher (tenure track)
Research: Nanobiosystems for Diagnosis and Treatment
ORCID: 0000-0003-2526-5323
User Name: milagros.castellanos
Telephone: 91 299 8878
Castellanos Molina

Milagros Castellanos studied Biology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. In 2011 she obtained her Ph.D. at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid under the guidance of Prof. Mauricio García Mateu (CBMSO). Her doctoral research delved into the structural, thermal, and mechanical properties of viruses, exploring their significance in viral function and potential applications in nanotechnology. In 2013 she moved to Prof. Víctor Muñoz’s lab (CNB-IMDEA Nanociencia), where participate as a “Juan de la Cierva” postdoctoral fellow in several projects individually or in collaboration. Her research mainly focused on biophysical characterization of protein-DNA interactions, protein folding and amyloids’ structural-functional relationship. Subsequently, Dr. Castellanos joined Dr. Álvaro Somoza’s group at IMDEA Nanoscience as a Postdoctoral researcher. In this role, she contributed to multiple projects aimed at leveraging cutting-edge nanobiotechnology for the detection and treatment of diseases such as cancer or COVID-19. Since 2023, Dr. Castellanos has been leading her own research group at IMDEA Nanociencia, focusing on the utilization of nanobiosystems for diagnosis and treatment.

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