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Open Innovation and fast track to market

Sergio Capitán Herraiz
Arquimea Research Center
Tuesday, 16 January 2024 13:00

Place: Conference hall, IMDEA Nanociencia.


ARQUIMEA, in its commitment to R&D&I, has its own research center in the Canary Islands (Spain). An innovation environment from which senior and junior researchers from all over the world develop disruptive technologies and business models that will serve as an engine of socio-economic growth in the medium and long term. We identify the best research groups in all our projects, collaborating with them through subcontracts and collaboration agreements. This strategy allows us to begin our research lines from the state-of-the-art and direct them to the high-impact use cases identified.  In 2023 we create a spin out (www.volinga.ai) and we expect to create three more in 2024.

Sergio Capitán Herraiz is manager of Arquimea, and will speak about "Open innovation and fast track to market".