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Alumni newsletter #7

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July 28th, 2024

Hi *|IF:FNAME|* *|FNAME|*,*|END:IF|*

In this newsletter we are informing about training opportunities in soft skills at IMDEA Nanociencia, a tool for researchers to explore career paths, and a selection of the latest news from IMDEA Nanociencia. 

Training in 'Leadership in diverse research environments for aspiring researchers'

We are offering some places to alumni on our internal training course "Leadership in diverse research environments for aspiring researchers", organised by the Projects Office of IMDEA Nanociencia.

Dates: 2-3 July 2024.

The workshop will cove the following topics

  • Tuesday 2 July (Day1): The PhDs/postdocs are introduced to diversity, cultural intelligence, and important parameters to pay attention to when working internationally in research. 
  • Wednesday 3 July (Day 2): The session will focus on developing a research strategy and building individual leadership in relation to diversity and international collaborations as they have to start considering their individual research profile and future career path.

If you feel you can benefit from this course, contact us with your details (name, affiliation and position) by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We have few spots available only for alumni, so if you are interested in attending, please register as soon as possible.

REBECA-Practice tool to explore career paths

REBECA PRACTICE is a tool that brings the opportunity to early-career researchers to explore professional roles other than the academic researcher role. This tool will allow users to perform tasks that professionals at different job positions perform regularly. This, together with a narrative that creates a role play scenario, will simulate a job position.

By practicing you will learn about a professional role, you will become aware of necessary skills and attributes need to excel in these tasks, and, most importantly, you will learn about your preferences towards it.

Link to the tool: https://www.euraxess.es/spain/rebeca-practice

The purpose of this experience is not to upskill  or evaluate readiness for a profession. The intention is that you experience a profession in a simulated scenario, helping you to decide if you like or not a profession based in their daily activities, and serving the ground and effectively direct your future steps in career exploration.

News at IMDEA Nanociencia

A lot has happened around IMDEA Nanociencia. Here is our selection:

What is next?

We are looking forward to celebrate another edition of "Career Prospects". If you are interested in sharing your professional experiences with IMDEA Nanociencia researchers, do not hesitate and write us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are looking forward to hearing your story about your journey beyond academia, and share it with the community to inspire others.

Wishing you the best summer season,

The Alumni Programme coordinator
Take a look at all our current job offers.

Please, feel free to disseminate the offers in your networks.
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