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  • Prof. Nazario Martín receives the Ciamician-Gonzales Lectureship 2019 Award

Prof. Nazario Martín receives the Ciamician-Gonzales Lectureship 2019 Award


Nazario Cimician

The Italian Chemical Society recognizes through this award his work in the field of organic chemistry of new materials.

The Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and deputy director of IMDEA-Nanociencia, Nazario Martín, adds further recognition to his prolific career in Chemistry research. On this occasion, the Italian Chemical Society has awarded the Ciamician-Gonzales Lectureship 2019 Award. The jury chaired by Prof. Salvatore Coluccia of the International Relations Committee SCI and formed by professors Gaetano Guerra, Gianluca Maria Farinola and Alberto Credi have agreed to award him the award "in recognition of his extraordinary contribution in the field of organic chemistry of new materials." His results continue to be a source of inspiration for new generations of researchers.

Professor Nazario Martín will be invited to present his work in three universities or research institutes in Italy during this year 2019.

Nazario Martín has received other prestigious awards throughout his career such as the "Dupont Award for Science" or the "Jaime I Basic Research Award". Likewise, he has been President of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry RSEQ during the period 2006 to 2012.

We congratulate Prof. Martín from IMDEA Nanociencia for this well-deserved recognition.