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  • The first fellows begin their IMDEA Nanociencia postdoctoral fellowships

The first fellows begin their IMDEA Nanociencia postdoctoral fellowships


ideal programme

  • The first five IDEAL fellows participate in a Welcome session.
  • The programme aims to attract 12 talented postdoctoral fellows to carry out research of excellence in any of the research areas developed at the Institute.
  • The IDEAL project is a COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action.

Madrid, 23rd of December, 2022.

The IDEAL programme (IMDEA-Nanociencia Postdoctoral Programme in Nanoscience) for attracting talent at IMDEA Nanociencia welcomes 5 postdoctoral fellows who were successful in the first call.

The session was organised to formally welcome the fellows some of whom have already started their research projects at IMDEA Nano. The day started with a warm welcome from our Director Prof Rodolfo Miranda who gave them an overview of the work at the Institute and what they should expect from the new fellowship programme.

Jesús Rojo, Head of Unit. European Programmes and Technology Transfer at the Madri+d Foundation for Knowledge, presented the support available for the fellows provided by the Madrid regional government. In his role as National Contact Point for the MSCA funding programme he also led a lively round table discussion on the ‘Impact of MSCA on the scientific career and professional development.’ The panel was made up from current and former IMDEA Nano MSCA fellows, many who are now leading their own independent research groups.

Finally the session was closed by Patricia López, from the Research Support Office at IMDEA Nano, who is part of the team that created the training programme. She gave an overview of the training and support available for the fellows and what they could expect form their time at IMDEA Nanociencia. The dates of the first training days of the programme were also announced; the IDEAL Postodoc Winter School to be held on 23-24th January and the IDEAL Postodoc Summer School in June 2023.

rodolfo welcomes ideal fellows

Prof. Rodolfo Miranda welcomes the IDEAL fellows to IMDEA Nanociencia

IDEAL is a new fellowship programme promoted by IMDEA Nanociencia that aims to attract 12 talented postdoctoral researchers to undertake excellent research in any of the areas of research carried out at the Institute: (i) Organic nanosystems for light harvesting and energy conversion, (ii) Fundamental properties of 2D materials, (iii) Nanomedicine against cancer and infection; (iv) Nanomagnetism and critical raw materials and (v) Solid state quantum devices for information technologies and (iv) the Technology Transfer Platform.

IMDEA Nanociencia funds this initiative through the COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) grant. Specifically, IMDEA has received €1.1 million, out of the €100 million awarded in this programme. COFUND (Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes) is under the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions from European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework. It is a co-financing mechanism that aims to stimulate regional, national or international programmes to promote excellence in the research training of personnel, their mobility and the development of their professional careers.

More information:
More details about the project and applications in the website:
IMDEA Nanociencia Projects Office
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Source: IMDEA Nanociencia