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The conference ‘Fuerzas y Túnel’ celebrates its +20th anniversary


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The proximity microscopy conference celebrates a quarter of a century of existence in the presence of the co-inventor of the microscope that opened the doors of the nanoworld.


The Fuerzas y Túnel conference, one of the main events in the field of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) in Spain, is pleased to announce its twenty-fifth anniversary, which will be celebrated with a special edition in the historic city of Zamora. The event, which will take place July 3-5, 2023, will bring together SPM experts and enthusiasts from across the country to explore its latest advances.

This year the event will be made even more special by the presence of one of the co-inventors of this technique, the distinguished Professor Christoph Gerber. In addition, he shares a special bond with our country, since Professor Gerber was responsible for bringing this revolutionary instrument to Spain almost four decades ago – in the trunk of a car, on a journey full of adventures that he will share with the younger generations of SPM. Your participation in the event is a testimony of the high international recognition that the Spanish community has in this field.

Professor Gerber, who also received numerous awards, including the prestigious Kavli Medal in the field of nanoscience, will talk about the origins and discovery of the scanning probe microscopy technique. His speech will provide a unique insight into the beginnings of this revolutionary technology and its role in the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

primer stm espana First STM in Spain

During this conference, a roundtable will be held with the pioneers of this field in Spain, each of them representing a different facet of the scanning probe microscopist community. Panelists, including Professor Gerber, will discuss the advances, challenges and future prospects of SPM in areas such as surface physics, nanotechnology, theory and simulation, knowledge transfer to understanding the origin of molecules in the interstellar medium – in the end we are all made of stardust.

The conference Fuerzas y Túnel has played a crucial role in the development and promotion of scanning probe microscopy in Spain. Since its creation in 1998, the event has become an essential appointment for all SPM microscopists in the country, and has traveled through different cities, leaving its mark in each region.

The organizing committee: "We are delighted to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Fuerzas y Túnel in Zamora, the city where we adopted this name more than two decades ago." "We want to thank everyone who has contributed to the success of Forces and Tunnel over the years, especially Professor Christoph Gerber for his invaluable contribution to the field. We remember with admiration the singular arrival of the scanning probe microscope in Spain in 1984. Thanks to this commitment and audacity, Spain was the second country in the world, after Switzerland, to have this revolutionary technology. This was undoubtedly the germ for which today, the community of proximity microscopies in Spain has become one of the most powerful and outstanding worldwide, enriching scientific research and advancing in the knowledge of materials and nanotechnology".

fuerzas y tunel

More informationhttps://aseva.es/conferences/fuerzas-y-tunel-2023/

Source: 'Fuerzas y Túnel' organising committee.