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Prof. Somoza was talking with Gestiona Radio about IMDEA-CSIC

Prof. Somoza was talking with Gestiona Radio about IMDEA-CSI

Prof. Alvaro Somoza was talking in Gestiona Radio about IMDEA-CSI, the initiative of IMDEA institutes for the European Researcher’s Night 2017. Prof. Somoza and researchers from the IMDEA institutes have presented the initiative in the program Primera Hora, lead by Javier García Mateo. IMDEA-CSI is an activity organised for the public with the motto “crime scene investigation”. The attendees, together with the scientists and the National Police will solve a crime scene using science as the key tool. The date: 29th September 2017, in Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid. [14.09.2017]


The full interview can be listened here: https://soundcloud.com/imdea-software-institute/institutos-imdea-gestiona-radio