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  • IMDEA Nanociencia achieves excellent results in the regional competitive calls

IMDEA Nanociencia achieves excellent results in the regional competitive calls


The Education and Investigation Council of the Community of Madrid has released the outcome of the evaluation of its competitive calls for its R&D Activity Programme (Technologies 2018) and R&D Synergistic Projects 2018, both co-funded with European Structural Funds. IMDEA Nanoscience’s research teams will coordinate two projects and is involved in five more projects associated with these research programmes.

The Technologies 2018 programme was resolved last December and will allocate 36 million euros in funding for R&D Activity Programmes which aim to create a critical mass for regional strategic knowledge during the next four years. In one of the proposals, NMAT2D, IMDEA Researcher Prof Francisco Guinea (in collaboration with groups from ICMM-CSIC, UAM, UPM and FIDAMC) will coordinate the application of Optics, Theoretical Physics, and Material Science to study novel thin materials (of a thickness comparable to the atomic radius) for the development of devices with industrial applications. IMDEA Nanoscience will also take part in another four programmes, including NanoMagCost, headed by Prof Rodolfo Miranda, Professor of Condensed Matter Physics of UAM and Director of IMDEA Nanociencia.

More recently, the R&D Synergistic Projects 2018 were resolved. During the next three years, the Community of Madrid will invest a total of 12 million euros in collaborations between two regional research groups with potential to go beyond the frontiers of knowledge. With this aim Prof Fernando Martín, Associate Researcher of IMDEA Nanociencia, will combine his broad knowledge on the processes of charge transfer in photovoltaic organic materials with the ultrafast laser spectroscopy techniques of Prof Luis Bañares, from the Faculty of Chemistry (UCM), to improve energy efficiency of the cells composed by such materials in FULMATEN. In another project of this call, coordinated by the Faculty of Chemistry (UCM), Dr David Écija, from IMDEA Nanociencia, will approach, together with Nazario Martín, Professor of Organic Chemistry of UCM and Vice-Director of IMDEA Nanoscience, the organic and flexible electronics in the nanometric scale in QUIMTRONIC.