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  • IMDEA Nanociencia’s Project Office was present at the first meeting of EARMA’s thematic group on Equity, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion

IMDEA Nanociencia’s Project Office was present at the first meeting of EARMA’s thematic group on Equity, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion


2024.12.02 reunion genero bruselas


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Madrid, 2nd December, 2024. IMDEA Nanociencia’s Project Office attended the event ‘How Can Research Managers Adapt to Europe's Evolving EDI Policies?’ hosted by the thematic group on Equity, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion (ECDI) of EARMA (European Association of Research Managers and Administrators)

The meeting took place on 2nd December 2024 in Brussels where experts in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion discussed how institutions can adapt to European EDI policies through their research managers. The event covered all aspects of EDI that affect European research institutions; from implementing legislation to strategies for applying best practices within organisations. 

The fact that IMDEA Nanociencia is part of this group shows the Institute's commitment to Equality. The Projects Office plays an important role in the development of IMDEA Nanociencia’s Equality Plans.

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IMDEA Nanociencia Research Support Office
rso.nanociencia [at]imdea.org
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Source: IMDEA Nanociencia.

El Instituto IMDEA Nanociencia es un centro de investigación interdisciplinar en Madrid dedicado a la exploración de la nanociencia y el desarrollo de aplicaciones de la nanotecnología en relación con industrias innovadoras. IMDEA Nanociencia es un centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa desde 2017, máximo reconocimiento a la excelencia investigadora a nivel nacional.