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Career prospects with Alberto Rodríguez: Clinical trials

“Career prospects” is a series of talks by IMDEA Nanociencia alumni to give their view of their stay as researchers at IMDEA Nanociencia and their subsequent professional careers, with the objective of providing PhD students a vision for their professional development. The series will be held online in English, and will be open for everyone (no registration required).

nietoPatricia Bondía is a visual scientific communicator who helps scientists connect with their audience. She combines her scientific background with her expertise in 3D modeling and animation. After completing a BSc in Biotechnology and a MSc in Biophysics, she started a PhD in Biophysics at IMDEA Nanociencia in Prof. Cristina Flors’ team. During this period, she realized the importance of visuals for scientific communication and started to design her own illustrations.  She became deeply motivated and went a step further by learning the professional tools applied in cinema and videogame through a specialized training at CEV audiovisual school. After finishing her PhD, she began her new adventure as a freelance visual communicator creating eye-catching illustrations and animations for science.

Date: 26th May, 12:30.

Place: conference room and online.

Link to the event (the Zoom will be opened at 13:00 CEST): https://nanoscience-imdea.zoom.us/j/98068586985