Role of anisotropy configuration in exchange-biased systems

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Growth of Textured Adenine Thin Films to Exhibit only Chiral Faces

M. J. Capitan; R. Otero, J. Alvarez and R. Miranda

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Exploring the limits of soft x-ray magnetic holography: Imaging magnetization reversal of buried interfaces

J. Camarero, E. Jimenez, J. Vogel and R. Miranda

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Diffractive and reactive scattering of H2 from Ru(0001): experimental and theoretical study

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Magnetization reversal in half metallic La(0.7)Sr(0.3)MnO(3) films grown onto vicinal surfaces”

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Surface assembly of porphyrin nanorods with one-dimensional zinc-oxygen spinal chord

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Subphthalocyanine-based nanocrystals

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Role of Dispersion Forces in the Structure of Graphene Monolayers on Ru Surfaces

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