
Early Stages of the Alkalipromoted Oxidation of Si

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Photoemission Study of a highTc Superconducting BiSrCaCu Oxide

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Electronic Structure of HighTc Superconductors: Effect of Oxygen Stoichiometry and Surface Reactions with Alkali Metals

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K/Si(100)2x1: A Case Study for the Transfer of Charge between Alkali Metals and Semiconductor Surfaces

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Mechanism of the Alkalipromoted Oxidation of Silicon

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Cs and O Adsorption on Si(100) 2x1: A Model System for Promoted Oxidation of Semiconductors

J.E. Ortega, E.M. Oellig, J. Ferrón and R. Miranda

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Helium Scattering Study of the Growth Mechanism and Phase Transitions of Pb Overlayers on Cu(100)

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Helium Scattering Study of the Initial Stages of Growth of Pb Overlayers on Cu(100)

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Alkali induced Oxidation of Silicon

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