Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
The Institute of condensed matter and nanosciences of Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) is a leading expert in first-principles modelling of carbon-based nanostructures and other 2D-materials. More specific to the SOgraphMEM project, UCLouvain will use their plane-wave ABINIT code as well as the SIESTA code based on numerical atomic orbitals to investigate specific FE/graphene magnetic systems and graphene-based synthetic antiferromagnets. In addition, the mechanisms of polarization and the impact of the electric field on the SOC-induced properties of FE capped graphene magnetic systems and SAF will be unravelled.
UCLouvain Group

UCLouvain will investigate specific FE/Gr-based magnetic systems in order to deeply understand the nature of electric field on their SOC-induced properties using first-principles techniques and beyond. We will make use of our own plane-wave ABINIT together with a SIESTA codes based on numerical atomic orbitals to investigate the SOgraphMEM. In addition, the mechanisms of polarization and the impact of the electric field on the SOC-induced properties of FE capped graphene magnetic systems and SAF will be unraveled. Based on its fundamental theoretical contributions, is estimated at the end of project.

Prof. Jean-Christophe Charlier
Principal Investigator

Dr. Simon Dubois
Ab-initio modelling.