Unite Mixte de Physique – CNRS
The «Unite Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales» (UMPhy) is a joint laboratory between CNRS and the industrial company Thales. UMPhy is associated to University Paris-Sud 11. UMPhy is active in all major topics in the field of spintronics such as spin polarized tunneling, magnetic nanowires, spin injection in a variety of heterostructures based on metals, oxides, semiconductors, and spin transfer effects in nanodevices.
UMPhy – CNRS Group

The UMPhy-CNRS Group will provide extensive experience with:
• Magnetic characterization (AGFM, SQUID, FMR).
• Advanced magnetic imaging with NV microscopy.
• Advanced micromagnetic simulations taking into account chiral interactions.
• Material growth including sputtering and ALD and Nanofabrication and magneto-transport characterizations.
Moreover, UMPhy-CNRS group will bring its fundamental knowledge about the magnetic skyrmion network as well as all the scientific and technological expertise about spintronic phenomena. It will be involved also into the activities concerning the preparation of the standard SOgraphMEM heterostructures and micromagnetic modelling. Communication with Graphene Flagship.

Prof. Albert Fert

Dr. Bruno Dlubak
Expert in nanostructuration with graphene structures and their characterization.

Prof. Pierre Seneor
Expert in spintronic effects with molecules and graphene.

Dr. Vincent Cros
CNRS senior researcher. Group leader of spin transfer effects at UMPhy.

Dr. Nicolas Reyren
Expert in spinorbitronics.