IMDEA Nanociencia
Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados – IMDEA Nanociencia
IMDEA Nanociencia, the Institute of Advanced Studies in Nanoscience, is a private non profit foundation created by initiative of the Regional Government of the Community of Madrid in order to shorten the distance between the research and society in the Madrid region and provide new capacity for research, technological development and innovation in the field of nanoscience, nanotechnology and molecular design.
Spin-Orbitronics Group at IMDEA Nanociencia

The SpinOrbitronics Group focuses the interests on solid-state physics and material science of low dimensional magnetic materials, covering epitaxial growth, surface/interface and magnetotransport characterization, nanofabrication.
The IMDEA Nanociencia group assembled an extensive experience with:
• Production of high quality thin films by resorting to different UHV deposition techniques (MBE, sputtering, CVD).
• In-situ characterization, including XPS/UPS spectroscopies, MOKE,
• Ex-situ characterization MROKE, XAS, and element-resolved magnetometries including XMCD, magnetic
scattering and magnetic holography,
• Nanofabrication techniques and magneto-transport characterizations.
The group will be in charge of the growth of the SOgraphMEM prototypes, and of their in-situ and ex-situ (magnetic and transport) characterizations. It will be also involved in the simulation activities, in the surface science characterizations; X-ray based experiments, and finally in the fabrication and test of the prototype devices.
IMDEA Nanociencia will be in charge of the Administrative and Scientific Coordination of the Project.

Prof. Rodolfo Miranda
Director of IMDEA Nanociencia. Surface science characterizations.

Prof. Francisco Guinea López

Dr. Alberto Anadón

Leticia Melo de Costa
PhD Student.

Prof. Julio Camarero
Associate research professor. X-ray based experiments and growth.

Prof. Daniel Granados Ruíz

Dr. Iciar Arnay

Dr. Paolo Perna
Coordinator. Group leader of Spinorbitronics. Functional interfaces for Spintronics.

Adrián Gudín
PhD Student. Functional interfaces for Spintronics.

Alejandra Guedeja-Marron
PhD Student.

Dr. Rubén Guerrero
Post-doctoral researcher.

Jose Manuel Diéz
PhD Student. Functional interfaces for Spintronics.

Pablo Olleros
PhD Student. Spinorbitronics