ALBA Synchrotron
ALBA Synchrotron
ALBA is a 3rd generation Synchrotron Light facility located in Cerdanyola del Vallès, (Barcelona). ALBA currently has eight operational state-of-the-art beamlines, comprising soft and hard X-rays, which are devoted mainly to biosciences, condensed matter (magnetic and electronic properties, nanoscience) and materials science. Additionally, four beamlines are in construction (low-energy ultra-high-resolution angular photoemission for complex materials, microfocus for macromolecular crystallography, absorption and diffraction and fast X-ray tomography & radioscopy)
BOREAS is a soft X-ray beamline dedicated to polarization-dependent spectroscopic investigations of advanced materials of fundamental as well as applied interest. It has two endstations, a high-field vector cryomagnet for techniques like soft X-ray (magnetic) circular and linear dichroism (XMCD/XMLD), and a UHV reflectometer for soft x-ray resonant and coherent scattering under high-fields and cryogenic temperatures.
ALBA – BOREAS (BL-29) Group
ALBA will be involved in element resolved synchrotron-based characterizations (WP2). Mainly on XMCD experiments under applied electric fields, magnetic fields and cryogenic temperatures. ALBA will allow as well complementary resonant scattering and holography studies to those performed in Soleil, in fields up to 2 Tesla or in-situ prepared samples. It also has MBE capabilities to prepare Gr/FM structures and has experience customizing magnetic anisotropy, coercive force and exchange coupling in such structures.

Dr. Manuel Valvidares
Principal investigator.

Dr. Pierluigi Gargiani

Eng. X. Serra
Beam line electronic engineer.