Dear Colleague

Welcome to our online global seminar series Frontiers in Nanoscience we hope you will dare to join us on this journey to step out of the ordinary to find out the extraordinary.

Our goal in organizing these series of webinars is to showcase some of the very best researchers to present and discuss exciting new advances at the frontier of Nanoscience.

In this digital day and age, and taking into consideration the current constrains due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is mandatory to launch such an ambitious initiative, most needed than ever to keep contact among us and to encourage our most talented scientist to keep up exploring the amazing realm of the nanoscale.

We would like these seminars to be more than a just a talk, so the format will encourage informal discussion, as well as interaction among participants, in as much as it may be possible through videoconferencing.

The selected guest speakers will cover groundbreaking topics and are advised to focus their talks on present cutting-edge research in a tutorial way that could be followed by colleagues outside their specific field, transcending the obstacles imposed by the specialized terminologies and techniques that characterize different branches of Nanoscience.

Warm regards
R. Miranda

Prof. Rodolfo Miranda
Full Professor of Condensed Matter Physics
Univeridad Autonóma de Madrid

IMDEA Nanociencia
c/ Faraday 9
Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco
28049 Madrid